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ARIAKE, Poultry bouillons to infuse, 5 sachets

ARIAKE, Poultry bouillons to infuse, 5 sachets

Discover the 100% natural Ariaké chicken broth

This recipe, created by Joël Robuchon, is composed of 86% chicken and guaranteed free of preservatives, colorings, or flavorings. Additionally, this broth is high in protein and low in fat.

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How to cook with chicken broth?

Ariaké broth is the perfect ingredient to enhance your dishes: it can be used in cooking meats and fish; it offers a flavorful base for cooking vegetables, pasta, or risottos; or it can be reduced to create creamy and full-flavored sauces.

Some recipe ideas for using chicken broth

  • - Chicken broth-flavored rice: cook basmati rice in water infused with a sachet of chicken broth. Once cooked, serve the fragrant rice alongside sautéed meats or vegetables;
  • - Vegetable velouté with chicken broth: prepare a velouté by cooking vegetables (potatoes, carrots, leeks) in water with a sachet of chicken broth. Blend the cooked vegetables with the broth, add fresh cream, and season to taste;
  • - Herb-simmered chicken: cook chicken pieces with onions, mushrooms, and carrots in water infused with a sachet of chicken broth. Add fresh herbs like thyme and rosemary, then simmer until the chicken is tender and the vegetables are cooked;
  • - Creamy risotto: sauté onion in butter, add arborio rice, and lightly toast. Pour in white wine and let it reduce. Then add hot water with a sachet of chicken broth, one ladle at a time, stirring until the rice is creamy and cooked;
  • - Flavored couscous: prepare couscous by rehydrating it with chicken broth. Mix with chickpeas, raisins, toasted almonds, and grilled vegetables for a complete and flavorful dish.

A 100% natural broth

This broth sachet is to be infused for a few minutes in simmering water, releasing a strong taste with an exceptional color and clarity.

Ariaké, a responsible company

ARIAKÉ maintains rigorous quality standards at every stage of production, from the selection of raw materials to the distribution of finished products, with attentive monitoring at each level. The automated and distinctive production methods at its three sites in Europe ensure uniform quality and strict adherence to hygiene standards. Additionally, ARIAKÉ actively invests in a sustainable development policy aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of its operations.

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Price/kg 98,59
Native country FRANCE
Ingredients Volaille (83%) : viande de volaille, bouillon de volaille (eau,
viande, os, sel), légumes (oignon, carotte, céleri, ail), extrait de
levure, fibres de blé, épices, antioxydant : extraits riches