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Salish salt
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Salish salt

The Salish are a native North American tribe. They offer us their precious alder wood smoked crystals to enhance potatoes, eggs and cheese.

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A smoked salt

The term “Salish” refers to the original language of a number of First Nations on the Pacific Coast of North America. Over time, it became the name of their territories, which include the Canadian province of British Columbia and the northern parts of the US states of Montana and Idaho. Today the Salish territory of the “First Nations” is limited to small, dispersed reservations that still
fight for their autonomy.

100% natural, without preservatives or chemical additives, Salish salt is harvested from evaporation ponds before being smoked with natural red alder wood. For cooking, this fine salt mixed
with softened butter makes a very nice condiment for
boiled potatoes, roasted mozzarella bruschetta, and grilled fish.

All fire and flame, its irresistible smell reminiscent of a chimney fire gives character to meats and omelettes,
while arousing nostalgic memories of long winter evenings
next to the fire. Simply sprinkle at the last minute.

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Native country ÉTATS UNIS
Nutritional Info

Valeurs nutritives
pour 100 g

Calories : 0 g
Calcium : 0 %
Fer : 0 %
Cholestérol : 0 mg
Sodium : 580 mg
Fibre : 0 g
Protéines : 0 g 

Ingredients Salish fine salt (smocked sea salt)
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.