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Puff Pastry Triangles pizza
Puff Pastry Triangles pizza

Puff Pastry Triangles pizza

Discover Pizza Flavor Triangle Puff Pastries

Perfect for a gourmet break or an appetizer, Bon Vivant's pizza flavor triangle puff pastries prove to be a delicious experience.

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How to Enjoy Pizza Flavor Triangle Puff Pastries?

Serve them with a selection of classic Italian spreads such as olive tapenade, pesto, or sun-dried tomato cream. You can also pair them with fine Italian charcuterie like Parma ham, salami, or coppa for a savory touch that complements their flavors perfectly. For a lighter option, serve them with a crisp green salad or a plate of fresh, crunchy vegetables, along with a balsamic vinegar-based dressing for a tangy touch.

Some Serving Ideas for Pizza Flavor Triangle Puff Pastries

  • - Italian Spreads: Pair the pastries with traditional Italian spreads such as pesto, olive tapenade, sun-dried tomato cream, or herbed ricotta cheese;
  • - Bruschettas and Crostinis: Use the triangle pastries as a base for mini bruschettas or crostinis by topping them with fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic, and olive oil;
  • - Caprese Salad: Pair the pastries with the famous Caprese salad by alternating slices of tomatoes, mozzarella, and fresh basil. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper for a fresh and flavorful snack.

Mediterranean Flavors

The enticing aromas of sun-ripened tomatoes, melting mozzarella, and aromatic herbs such as oregano and basil transport you to the warm atmosphere of a traditional pizzeria. The crispy puff pastry subtly complements this gustatory tableau by offering a light and airy texture.

Bon Vivant Invites You to Indulge

These ready-to-enjoy biscuits offer exquisite delicacy, characterized by a crispy, flaky texture that melts deliciously in the mouth. At Bon Vivant, the focus is on simple recipes and premium ingredients to create biscuits generously flavored and rich in taste. For an even more flavorful experience, it is recommended to warm these biscuits for a few moments on a griddle or in a traditional oven to intensify the aromas and texture. These biscuits are to be enjoyed without moderation for an incomparable gourmet pleasure!

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Price/kg 0
Allergen Gluten, lait / Traces éventuelles: sésame, soja, oeuf, fruit à coque
Native country FRANCE
Ingredients WHEAT flour, BUTTER, EMMENTAL (10%), modified corn starch, salt,
flavouring (including WHEAT), oregano (0.75%), natural flavouring,
MILK protein, dextrose, coloring: E160c.
Nutritional Info VN Energie pour 100 g (energy for 100g) : 2254 kJ / 540 kcal
VN Matière grasse (fat) : 33 g
Dont acide gras saturés (of which saturated fat) : 18 g
VN Glucides (carbohydrate) : 48 g
Dont sucres (of which sugars) : 2.3 g
VN Protéines (protein) : 11 g
Vn Sel (salt) : 3.2 g