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Marigold petals
Marigold petals

Marigold petals

These marigold flowers have a slightly bitter and peppery flavour and are perfect for enhancing a rice dish, sauces and salads.

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Marigold is used in cooking and in infusions on its own or mixed with other flowers.

It is mainly used in infusions like jasmine or karkadé, but is also used for decorating dishes. 

These marigold flowers have a slightly bitter and peppery flavour and are perfect for enhancing grilled meat, fish and marinades. Sprinkle a few crushed over a vegetable tart, soups or omelettes. Unlike many flowers, marigold can withstand a longer cooking or infusion time. Add a few flowers when cooking your rice, a stew or a vegetable tagine.

Marigold or calendular is often known as poor man’s saffron due to its vibrant orange colour.

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Price/kg 95
Allergen Absence
Native country UE / NON UE
Ingredients marigold petals
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.

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