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Flower mix

Flower mix

Flower Salad, a Bouquet of Colors and Flavors

Terre Exotique's flower salad is a delicate and colorful blend of dried flower petals, offering a unique floral and visual touch to your dishes.

As low as €7.55
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How to Cook with Flower Salad

It can be used in salads, desserts, meat dishes, fish, and even drinks. Whether for an elegant presentation or to add a subtle floral note, this salad is the perfect ingredient for your recipes.

Recipe Ideas for Using Flower Salad

  • Green Salad with Flowers: Add the flower salad to a green salad for a touch of color and delicate flavor.
  • Floral Desserts: Sprinkle petals on desserts like cakes, cupcakes, or ice cream for a beautiful presentation.
  • Fish with Flower Crust: Coat a fish fillet with the flower salad before cooking for a refined and aromatic dish.
  • Fresh Cheese with Flowers: Mix the flower salad with fresh cheese for a colorful and flavorful spread.
  • Cocktails and Beverages: Use the petals from the flower salad to garnish cocktails or refreshing drinks, adding a unique visual and aromatic note.

The Aromas of Flower Salad

Its petals bring sweet and slightly spicy notes, adding a unique aromatic dimension to your dishes. The combination of different flowers creates a symphony of fresh and refined scents, perfect for brightening up salads, desserts, or drinks.

The Botany of Flower Salad

Flower salad is composed of carefully selected and dried flower petals to preserve their vibrant colors and delicate aromas. They include rose, cornflower, and marigold petals, each bringing its own aromatic and visual characteristics.

A Noble History

A famous anecdote tells that Empress Joséphine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, loved dishes adorned with edible flowers, which were often served at sumptuous court banquets. Today, flower salad continues this tradition of elegance and refinement, offering a touch of poetry and color to your meals.

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Allergen Absence
Native country FRANCE
Ingredients rose petal (Pakistan), petal of marigold, cornflower petal.
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.