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Jalapeno chilli pepper
Jalapeno chilli pepper

Jalapeno chilli pepper

A mild and warm Mexican pepper at the same time.

The Jalapeno pepper is a green pepper originally from Mexico and widely used in American and South American cuisine. Its powerful and fresh aromas enhance even the simplest dishes. Its spiciness level is 5/10 on the Scoville scale, making it moderate in strength.

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What dishes to use Jalapeno powder in?

Jalapeno pepper is a dominant ingredient in South American cuisine, in fact, it is the base of any spicy sauce. It should be noted that a jalapeno pepper becomes a chipotle pepper once smoked.

How to use Jalapeno powder?

Our recipe ideas for using Jalapeno powder in your cooking:

· salsa verde: sprinkle 2 teaspoons of Jalapeno powder into your preparation;

· scrambled eggs with Jalapeno: add 2 teaspoons of Jalapeno powder to your beaten eggs;

· poblano: add 1 tablespoon of Jalapeno powder with your onions, beef, and garlic;

· tex-mex chili with Jalapeno: sprinkle 3 teaspoons of Jalapeno powder with peppers and tomato sauce during cooking;

The powerful pepper

Jalapeno pepper is quite powerful in terms of flavor, but it retains a fresh and herbaceous aspect that perfectly balances its spiciness.

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Price/kg 0
Allergen Absence
Native country CHINE
Ingredients Jalapeno chilli pepper
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