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Grape seed oil with truffle flavour
Grape seed oil with truffle flavour

Grape seed oil with truffle flavour

Discover the Uniqueness of Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil

A few drops of this truffle oil are enough to enhance your everyday vinaigrettes and dishes: boiled potatoes, omelets, cheese toast...

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How to Use Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil in Your Dishes

Elevate your vinaigrettes with truffle-flavored grape seed oil. You can use it with endive salad, fresh pasta, omelets, vegetable puree, salmon tartare, or foie gras. Use this oil at the end of cooking to not diminish its aroma.

How to Use Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil in Cooking

Truffle-flavored grape seed oil is perfect for light and healthy cooking. Grape seed oil serves as an ideal base as its neutral taste allows it to capture the truffle's aroma perfectly.

Here are some usage ideas:

  • - Pheasant with Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil: For your holiday meals, cover your pheasant with a generous layer of truffle-flavored grape seed oil to enhance the taste and add intensity to your poultry.
  • - Mashed Potatoes with Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil: If you're looking for that extra touch to make a difference, add truffle-flavored grape seed oil to your mashed potatoes to elevate their flavors.
  • - Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil Bruschetta: After placing your burrata on the bruschetta, drizzle a generous amount of truffle-flavored grape seed oil on top.
  • - Spaghetti with Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil: For the sauce, sauté mushrooms and shallots in truffle-flavored grape seed oil, then add your spaghetti and arugula.
  • - Arugula, Pear, and Walnut Salad with Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil: After thinly slicing your pears and adding them to your green salad, incorporate walnut kernels, crumbled blue cheese, and prepare your vinaigrette with truffle-flavored grape seed oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper.

The Intense Aroma of Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil

Truffle-flavored grape seed oil is known for its delicate blend of aromas. It typically offers a subtle combination of the earthy and woody richness of truffles with the sweetness and lightness characteristic of grape seed oil. You can detect earthy notes of mushrooms, hazelnuts, and slight peppery nuances. Using this oil adds aromatic depth to many dishes, especially pasta, risottos, eggs, and sauces.

Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil: A Look at Their Botany

Grape seed oil is extracted from grape seeds. Botanically, it comes from Vitis vinifera, the common grapevine mainly used in wine production. This plant belongs to the Vitaceae family.

Grape seeds are rich in oil and are carefully pressed to extract this valuable substance. Grape seed oil is appreciated not only for its culinary qualities but also for its skin benefits due to its high content of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Truffle is an underground mushroom belonging to the Tuber genus. It emerges from the ground near the roots of specific trees, forming a symbiotic relationship with them. There are different truffle species, each with its own characteristics, but all belong to the Tuberaceae family. Truffles grow in well-drained soils, primarily under trees such as oaks, hazelnuts, and poplars. They develop through a symbiotic relationship with trees, exchanging nutrients with the tree roots in exchange for essential organic compounds.

How Truffle-Flavored Grape Seed Oil Is Made

Truffles are carefully cleaned and crushed, then mixed with grape seed oil. This mixture is then heated at low temperatures for some time to allow the truffle aromas to infuse into the oil. After infusion, the oil is filtered to remove solid residues, leaving behind an oil rich in truffle flavors.

When Grape Seed Oil Meets Truffle

The use of grape seed oil dates back to antiquity, where it was used for culinary and medicinal purposes. For example, the Egyptians used grape seed oil to prepare dishes and beauty products. Over the centuries, the oil became popular in Europe, especially in wine-producing regions where grapes were abundant. In France, for instance, it became a preferred ingredient in French cuisine, known for its lightness and delicate flavor.

The idea of infusing grape seed oil with truffles arose from the tradition of infusing various oils with herbs and spices to enhance their taste. Over time, this practice extended to truffles, allowing for the creation of a unique flavored oil.

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Price/kg 873,33
Allergen Absence
Native country UE
Ingredients refined grapeseed oil (99,72%), truffle aroma (0,28%).
Nutritional Info VN Energie pour 100 g (energy for 100g) : 3700 kJ / 900 kcal
VN Matière grasse (fat) : 13 g
Dont acide gras saturés (of which saturated fat) : 0 g
VN Glucides (carbohydrate) : 0 g
Dont sucres (of which sugars) : 0 g
VN Protéines (protein) : 0 g
Vn Sel (salt) : 0 g
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.

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