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Crosta & Mollica Torinesi Parmigiano 12, 120 g
Crosta & Mollica Torinesi Parmigiano 12, 120 g

Crosta & Mollica Torinesi Parmigiano 12, 120 g

The crunch of Torinesi and the character of Parmesan

Italian specialty, Torinesi are here enhanced with Parmesan cheese for intense flavours. Enjoy them plain or in dips, they are bound to find their place on your aperitif tables.

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Handcrafted in Italy

Native from Turin, Torinesi were created in the 17th century following a request from Duke Vittorio Amedeo II, who wanted a snack that was easy to digest and no less delicious. Extra-simple ingredients: extra-virgin olive oil, flour and corn. A purely Italian know-how: the bakers of Piedmont roll out this dough in long strands, then bake them, to give these thin and crunchy sticks.

The aperitif essential

Light and easy to digest, they will please all your guests! In dips, plain or rolled in a thin slice of proscuitto, you won't know how to live without them.

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Price/kg 27,9
Allergen Gluten, lait / Gluten, milk
Native country ITALIE
Ingredients Peut contenir des traces de sésame et de soja.
huile d’olive extra-vierge 5%, farine d’ORGE maltée, sel, levure,
graines de pavot 1,4%.
Nutritional Info VN Energie pour 100 g (energy for 100g) : 1740 kJ / 410 kcal
VN Matière grasse (fat) : 8.8 g
Dont acide gras saturés (of which saturated fat) : 5.7 g
VN Glucides (carbohydrate) : 70 g
Dont sucres (of which sugars) : 2.5 g
VN Protéines (protein) : 13 g
Vn Sel (salt) : 2.1 g