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Matcha green tea powder

Matcha green tea powder

Pour 2 to 6 spoons of this traditional Japanese tea for 3 cups and mix. Use this delightful green powder to add colour and flavour to your financiers, madeleines, cakes and mousses !

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The delicate flavours of this Matcha green tea will delight your pastries and baking!

This extremely fine powder is obtained using a very specific process, liberating all the unusual flavours of Matcha green tea. Use this powder to enchant your pastries, cakes, or mousses!

Matcha tea is grown using a very precise technique

This tea green undergoes a specific age-old process

Uji, in Kyoto prefecture, in the centre of Japan, is the heart of Matcha green tea production. This is the main region of green tea plantations which produce this delicious green tea powder. Green tea is produced using a very specific shading method. Several weeks before the tea is harvested, the tea plants are shaded with a black cover, which acts as a filter for the sun. This forces the tea plants to struggle to grow! This increases the release of amino acids which soften the taste of the tea and give it its beneficial properties. Now that the tea leaves are full of chlorophyll, they are ready to be picked.

A strong tasting fine and very concentrated powder H3> After they are harvested, the leaves are steamed for a few seconds. This stage stops the oxidation process and ensures that the tea keeps its vibrant green colour. Then the heart of the leaf is separated from the veins, so that only the “tencha”, which is tenderest part of the leaves, is kept. The tencha are then crushed and ground very finely. Traditionally, this is done using two stone grindstones. The powder is as fine a talcum powder.

Matcha tea is grown using a very precise technique

This tea green undergoes a specific age-old process

Uji, in Kyoto prefecture, in the centre of Japan, is the heart of Matcha green tea production. This is the main region of green tea plantations which produce this delicious green tea powder. Green tea is produced using a very specific shading method. Several weeks before the tea is harvested, the tea plants are shaded with a black cover, which acts as a filter for the sun. This forces the tea plants to struggle to grow! This increases the release of amino acids which soften the taste of the tea and give it its beneficial properties. Now that the tea leaves are full of chlorophyll, they are ready to be picked.

A strong tasting fine and very concentrated powder H3> After they are harvested, the leaves are steamed for a few seconds. This stage stops the oxidation process and ensures that the tea keeps its vibrant green colour. Then the heart of the leaf is separated from the veins, so that only the “tencha”, which is tenderest part of the leaves, is kept. The tencha are then crushed and ground very finely. Traditionally, this is done using two stone grindstones. The powder is as fine a talcum powder.

How to use Matcha green tea in pastries and baking?

Matcha tea adds an elegant original hint to your baking!

Matcha green tea is widely used in Japanese baking, both for its intense green colour and its delicious delicate flavours which will delight your desserts. Use it sparingly, 1 to 4 teaspoons of Matcha is plenty enough depending on the recipe. You can also use it in home-made ice-cream, in sponge cakes, in a panna cotta with coconut or sprinkle it over a gooey chocolate cake. Its gentle delicate notes will enchant many desserts: home-made sorbets, almond financier cakes, macarons, tiramisu… It can of course be used in savoury dishes, with soups, shrimps or with a delicate fish served with a cream sauce.

Quick and easy vegan brownie with Matcha tea

Ingredients: - 150g flour, - 90g sugar - 10cl coconut oil, - 130g soy yoghurt, - 50g dark chocolate, - 70g ground almonds, - ½ teaspoon of baking powder, - 2 teaspoons of Matcha tea powder. Mix the yoghurt, flour, Matcha tea powder and baking powder together. Melt the coconut oil and the sugar in a saucepan over a low heat. Chop the chocolate into chips. Mix all the ingredients together, adding the ground almonds. Put the mixture in a square tin. Bake at 170°C for 15 minutes and serve warm for afternoon tea!

Can you drink this tea?

Matcha green tea, a traditional tea with a Jade green colour!

Matcha tea, is a true art

In Japan, matcha green tea is surrounded by a whole ceremony, inspired by Zen Buddhism. Each gesture has a meaning and refers to different art forms such as painting, architecture, poetry, pottery or calligraphy. This ceremony has been the same for more than 10 centuries. For example, Chan Buddhists drink green tea during sacraments and in the Buddhist culture, matcha brings spiritual elevation.

Matcha green tea has many virtues

Although matcha green tea is renowned for its antioxidant properties said to reduce the risk of cancer, it also has lots of other virtues. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, P, in protein and even minerals like magnesium. It is believed to reduce diabetes and high blood pressure, helps prevent food poisoning and acts as an anticoagulant improving blood circulation. However, be careful as this very fine green tea powder is very high in caffeine.

More Information
More Information
Allergen Absence
Native country JAPON
Genus and botanical species Camellia sinensis
Ingredients matcha green tea
Nutritional Info VN Energie pour 100 g (energy for 100g) : 1355 kJ / 324 kcal
VN Matière grasse (fat) : 5.3 g
Dont acide gras saturés (of which saturated fat) : 0.3 g
VN Glucides (carbohydrate) : 39.5 g
Dont sucres (of which sugars) : 6.4 g
VN Protéines (protein) : 29.6 g
Vn Sel (salt) : 0.02 g
TRACES EVENTUELLES D'ALLERGÈNES céleri, sésame, moutarde, fruits à coques.

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