Marinades are wondrous as they make meat and fish tender and enhance the aromas and flavours of their ingredients. It’s also a great and super easy way to try different culinary tastes from all around the world.

A few basic rules: Marinating time: at least 30 minutes for a small piece (fillets for example), 24 hours for larger pieces.
- Oil
- + a hint of acidity
- + aromatic herbs
Our tips for the perfect barbeque:
- Cook lamb and pork close to the embers.
- Beef and veal need to be grilled for longer over a moderate heat.
- Never prick a piece of meat while on the barbeque as it will lose all its juices, and you’ll lose all the benefits of the marinade.
- Wait until after you’ve cooked the meat to salt it as salt absorbs the meat’s juices.
Never use a marinade which has already been used. To use it as a sauce for pouring over your meat cook your marinade for 10 - 15 minutes until it is nice and thick.

Exotic-inspired marinades: